Monday, April 19, 2010

Quiet book, Noah's Ark

So, I've been very slowly working on a quiet book for Parker.  I found a link somewhere that had a page just like this, but I can't remember where it was.  Sorry!  Anyway, I thought the ark was cute so I made it pretty much the same as the one I saw.  I found the ark animals with people on  They are from The Friend.  I just put them on little pieces of cardstock to laminate.  The ark is made of felt with on old zipper sewn in.  I used a fabric paint marker for the lettering.

Monday, March 15, 2010

File folder games

My son is a handful during church, so I've been looking for more stuff for him to do.  I found this site with several free printable file folder games.  You can print them in color or b/w.  I'm lazy, so I went with full color.  She has several different games to choose from, along with links to other sites.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Easy elastic-waist pants

There could be many reasons for making these pants:  you don't want to pay a ton for simple elastic-waist pants at the store, you or your husband have some old pants that don't fit anymore, or you need some pants for your little boy or girl that actually fit.  Whatever the reason, I found a tutorial for making these pants.  I obviously didn't make mine with knee pads.  Dana teaches you how to make your own pattern using some pants that fit.  This takes a little time, but then you have a pattern to use for future pants as well.  I also added pockets to mine because I made them for church since he didn't have any great-fitting khaki pants.  I still need to hem them up a bit so he doesn't step on them, but you get the idea.  Enjoy!  (I love the clearance racks at Target!  $3.20 for the sweater last year.)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lil' Guy Tie

I wanted to start out my postings with something for the boys, since I have a little guy and there's not much out there for boys (although MADE dedicated the entire month of February to boys).  I found this tie pattern the blog Make and Love It.  It is in her etsy shop and I loved how the tie turned out and it is pretty simple to make.  I used clearance fabric at Joann's and it was a silky material that was kind of hard to work with.  Next time I will stick to the reccommended cotton.  This will make great gifts!
I like the scowl on the face personally.  I mean, what guy actually likes to wear a tie?!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The beginning

I have started selling in a boutique near my home and I decided to start up a blog and email along with that.  My goal is to show people what I am doing, but also to find cute things for babies and post them along with links so you can make them, too.  I love to sew and using other people's ideas is usually what I do, although everything I'm selling is made with my own pattern.